Fisher & Paykel ICON+ CPAP Machine - Patient Reference Guide

For patients using the Fisher & Paykel ICON+ CPAP Machine for treatment of their obstructive sleep apnea, please use this patient reference guide for information on the usage, cleaning, and maintenance of your ICON+.

Still have questions? SleepSomatics PAP patients may schedule a follow-up PAP Therapy Assessment appointment using our convenient, online self-scheduler here.

Unsure if you need a follow-up PAP Therapy Assessment appointment? Read the 10 most common signs here.


A quick video to introduce you to the key functions of your ICON+ device
This video explains how to clean and maintain the F&P ICON
This video explains how to travel with the F&P ICON.


Regular replacement of your ICON+ supplies is recommended for your health and the equipment's operation. You may order your replacement supplies online from SleepSomatics.

Click on the individual items below for replacement instructions. For many patients, generally, replacement is recommended for each item every 3-6 months.


Please remember these helpful tips during your first week of therapy usage:

  • Please wash your mask, water chamber, and tubing before your first night's usage and on a regular, ongoing basis. The manufacturer recommends using mild dish washing soap and warm water. Only use clean, distilled water with your water chamber.

  • For disinfection of your mask, water chamber, and tubing, you may also consider using a diluted mixture of three (3) parts clean water with one (1) part white vinegar for soaking the mask and parts. Always clean after with mild dish washing soap and warm water thereafter and thoroughly rinse clean.

  • You are using filtered, humidified bedroom air (delivered at a higher pressure) to treat your sleep-breathing disorder. If you were diabetic, you wouldn't use a dirty needle to inject your insulin. So, the cleanliness and quality of that air goes a long way toward improving your therapy usage. Regular cleaning of your mask, tube, water chamber, and filters is critical. Also, regular vacuuming, sweeping, and dusting of the bedroom and immediate area around your machine is equally important. Allergen-free houseplants can also be helpful in filtering particulate matter in the bedroom.

  • The first few therapy nights will represent a disruption to your established sleep environment. Bringing a PAP Therapy Unit home is similar to a new pet or baby in that it takes time to get accustomed to the new element. Wearing your mask and using your therapy an additional 1-3 hours nightly before going to sleep while watching television, playing on the computer, or reading can significantly reduce your initial acclimation period.

  • PAP Therapy only works if you wear it when you sleep. If you don't use your therapy, you stop breathing and symptoms begin to return. Always use your therapy as prescribed whenever sleeping, traveling, or napping.


SleepSomatics PAP patients may schedule a follow-up PAP Therapy Assessment appointment using our convenient, online self-scheduler here.


SleepSomatics Diagnostic Center is a credentialed and accredited sleep center serving Austin and Central Texas since 1999. We provide sleep diagnostic and therapy services including In-Lab Sleep Study, Take-Home Sleep Test, and Sleep Therapy.