Patient Review- Beverly (Austin)

7/29/2014 5-Star SleepSomatics Patient Customer Review

Wonderful facility, wonderful staff, great results! I have to say I was pretty nervous about having a sleep study done, and didn't know what to expect.

First, the place is really nice. The reception area has couches and a monitor with a video of a beautiful beach and sound of the surf, no doubt designed to help you begin to relax. You are their "guest". A sign asks that you use your "library voice" since guests are sleeping; the staff talks to you in a soft soothing voice as well. Through the door to the sleep suites you are suddenly in a large, quiet hallway with soft, ambient lighting; it reminded me of a nice hotel at night with closed doors along the hallway. You do not see other guests and they don't see you; it's totally private. This was good because I forgot my robe and was in a short sleep gown. The sleep suites are huge with high ceilings and dark walls and floor, with ambient lighting you can control yourself. Centered along the far wall is the most gorgeous, sumptuous, queen-size bed. I think I'd been expecting tiny beds and concrete floors; boy was I wrong. I was amazed and was looking forward to getting in that bed.

You are first seated in an overstuffed leather chair while your technician (female one for the gals, male one for the guys) explains what she/he will be doing, which consists of attaching some small contacts to various places on your body so they can monitor heartbeat, respiration, leg and facial movements, brainwaves, while you sleep. The technician, mine was a very sweet lady named Rose, then turns on an informative video you can watch while the contacts are being applied. I began to feel anxious because I didn't like the idea of having anything, no matter how small, being attached to me! Rosie, stopped and gently asked if I was OK, and gave me a few minutes to breathe deeply. I was assured that once I was in bed everything would feel fine, and it did!!! Yay! 

Once I got in bed I'd planned to distract myself with my iPad before going to sleep but realized they don't have WiFi, which was actually fine because I was there to sleep anyway. There is a nice flat-screen TV for those that want to watch, or for people like my husband who like to fall asleep watching TV. There's a fan for white noise, which I really appreciated. Rosie showed me how to call her and pointed out a small camera on a far wall which is there for our protection and so they can also monitor us, but it's very discreet and must be infra-red because I dimmed my lights down so the room was pure darkness, just how I like it.

The bed, OMG, amazing. I have been in a lot of hotel rooms, including luxury suites, and this beautiful platform bed with the mattress, pillows, high thread count linens and down comforter reminded me of the Ritz Carlton where I stayed one night. I have a chronic hip injury and have been using a TENS unit or a heating pad every night or I can't go to sleep. I had those things with me, but this bed was so supportive and comfortable I didn't need the TENS unit or heating pad; and instead of taking an hour to fall asleep I found out later I was asleep in 22 minutes! I thought I'd be waking up frequently, but I did not. I did bring my own pillow because I like a pretty thin pillow; but theirs were fabulous. I signaled Rosie once to get up to use the bathroom, and she was there in seconds with a flashlight, never turning on a harsh light. I felt like I was staying at a really nice hotel with my own personal room service.

I asked for an early wake-up call, so I got up at 6:30. Rosie removed the contacts and suggested once I got home that I shower and wash my hair to remove any residue (so plan on that when making your appointment). You're greeted with Keurig coffee and pastries in the morning on your way out. Two days later I had my results! Wow, what a lot of data they capture. I was so relieved to realize I did not have any real sleep issues. My problem is a bad bed and occasional seasonal allergies, plus some arthritis in the joints. I am going to have to get a bed like Sleepsomatics has! I even asked Josh, the oh-so-nice and helpful director, for the info so I could get one, and he graciously and promptly provided it.

So, I can highly recommend Sleepsomatics to anyone doing a sleep study! I have to say, as of this writing (7/29/14) their website does not do them justice at all. I even boldly told them so and suggested they upgrade it to better reflect the quality of their services and staff, which are truly FIVE STARS.



SleepSomatics Diagnostic Center is a credentialed and accredited sleep center serving Austin and Central Texas since 1999. We provide sleep diagnostic and therapy services including In-Lab Sleep Study, Take-Home Sleep Test, and Sleep Therapy.