Maria S., Austin, TX
Real Patient Review submitted through SleepSomatics online quality assurance system on July 1, 2014 7:10 PM:
I had a thoroughly excellent experience with Sleepsomatics, from the actual sleep test to the introduction and explanation of the CPAP equipment.
Rosie, who was my guide during my sleep test was very calm, and accommodating. I did not feel uncomfortable or nervous about asking any question or stating any concern I had during the testing. She explained everything to the least concern even while the question or concern was forming in my mind.
At my followup visits for my CPAP equipment explanations and adjustments, questions and concerns, Joshua was extremely helpful and was intent on giving me the best explanations and information concerning the use of the equipment as well as tips on how to adjust my routine to its use.
I feel 100% better since using the CPAP equipment. I am well rested and feel like I am my old self again. Friends and co-workers have commented that my eyes seem brighter and that I look well.
This has been one of the best things I have done for myself in my quest for better health.
Thank you Sleepsomatics!